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(Interventions in conferences, workshops & labs.)

Conference presentations

"Why Imaginary Worlds?" (May 2024).


Talk. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference (HBES). Aarhus (Danemark).


"Is cinema becoming less and less innovative with time?" (December 2023).


Talk. Computational Humanities Research (CHR) Conference (France).

"The Cognitive Foundations of Fictional Stories: Further empirical developments" (June 2023).


Talk. From Evolution to Cognition to Fiction Workshop. ENS-PSL (France).

"Leveraging the hierarchical structure of goal-directed cognition to explain the variability of gaming preferences" (May 2023).


Flash talk. Forum BrainPlay. Sorbonne Université (France).

"Openness to experience: its evolutionary origin and its implication on symbolic culture" (April 2023).


Talk. Department of Psychology. Royal Holloway. University of London (United-Kingdom).

"Cognitive mechanisms activated by fiction: A comprehensive framework" (April 2023).

Talk. European Human Behavior and Evolution Association (EHBEA) Conference. University of London (United-Kingdom).

"Openness to experience: its evolutionary origin and its implication on symbolic culture" (December 2022).


Flash Talk. "Evolution, Cognition & Culture" workshop. Saint-Jacut (France).


"Cognitive mechanisms activated by fiction: A comprehensive framework" (November 2022).

Poster. French Society for Evolutionary Human Sciences 3rd Annual Meeting. Toulouse (France).


"A Comprehensive Framework to Study the Psychological Appeal for Narrative Fictions" (June 2022).


Talk. Workshop "From Cultural Evolution to Computational Humanities: Building a Bridge". Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. Jena (Germany).


"Exploratory preferences explain the human fascination for imaginary worlds" (June 2022). 


Talk. Workshop "From Cultural Evolution to Computational Humanities: Building a Bridge". Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. Jena (Germany).

"Experimental evidence suggests that exploratory preferences explain the cultural distribution of fictions with imaginary worlds" (April 2022).


Poster. European Human Behavior and Evolution Association (EHBEA) Conference (online).


"The cultural evolution of non-existant worlds in fictions" (March 2022).


Talk. International Society for Fiction and Fictionality Studies (ISFFS/SIRFF)’s Second International Conference on Impossible Fictions. University of Chicago. Online.


"The cultural evolution of imaginary worlds" (November 2021).


Talk. French Society for Evolutionary Human Sciences. Second annual meeting (online).


"Why Imaginary Worlds? Exploratory preferences explain the cultural success of fictions with imaginary worlds in modern societies" (September 2021).


Poster. European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS) Conference (online).

"The cultural evolution of imaginary worlds in fictions" (September 2021). 


Short Talk. 'Leda Cosmides and John Tooby: Honoring 40 years of innovation'. Royaumont Abbaye (France).


"Why Imaginary Worlds? Exploratory preferences explain the cultural success of fictions with imaginary worlds in modern societies" (June 2021).


Poster (Poster Award finalist) & Flash Talk. Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) Conference (online).


"Why Imaginary Worlds? Exploratory preferences explain the cultural success of fictions with imaginary worlds in modern societies" (June 2021).


Poster. Culture Conference (online).


"Exploratory preferences explain the cultural success of fictions with imaginary worlds" (March 2021).


Poster. European Human Behavior and Evolution Association (EHBEA) Conference. (online).


"The cultural evolution of imaginary worlds" (March 2021).


Short Talk. European Human Behavior and Evolution Association (EHBEA) Conference. (online).


"Why Fiction? An evolutionary and cognitive approach" (November 2020).


Talk. Workshop "Debating Fictions". UNIL (Lausanne) and Sorbonne Nouvelle (France).


"L’évolution culturelle de la comédie au cinema" (March 2020).


Talk. Colloquium "State of the art of comedy in France", Laboratoire LASLAR. Université Caen Normandie (France).

Invited talks

"A Step-By-Step Method for Cultural Annotation by LLMs" (November 2023).


3-hour Workshop. With Valentin Thouzeau. FRESH conference.


"The role of cognitive mechanisms in the cultural evolution of fictional stories" (May 2023).


Talk. Early-career Social Learning Research Seminar Series (online).

"Imaginary worlds through the evolutionary lens" (February 2023).


Talk. Workshop 'Exploring the Mind's Canvas'. Learning Planet Institute. Paris (France).


"What fictions do people like at different ages? Predictions from evolutionary developmental psychology" (March 2022).


Talk. Cognitive Development Center Seminar. Central European University (online).


"Imaginary Worlds: An Ingredient for Fictional Recipes" (February 2022).


Talk with Valentin Thouzeau. Seminar of the Musée de l’Homme. Paris (France).

"What lies behind the imagination of fictional worlds?" (December 2021).

Talk. Seminar of the Imaginary & Morality Lab (online).



Organization of the International Workshop 'From Evolution to Cognition to Fiction' (June 2023, Paris). With Nicolas Baumard and Valentin Thouzeau.


29 rue d'Ulm, 75020


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